The Ultimate Cape Wrath Ultra Preparation Checklist
By Shane Ohly
Whether you’re taking part in the Cape Wrath Ultra® next month or considering entering the 2024 event, committing to a 400km ultra-running expedition in the Scottish Highlands is an awesome undertaking that requires solid planning and preparation.
I’ve compiled these top five suggestions for participants based on a decade of observing the strategies of the finishers.
Be prepared for an astonishing journey ©No Limits Photography
1. Make a Checklist
In fact, make two checklists! The first should be an overarching packing list of everything you are taking on the event, split between your hill kit and camp kit.
It should include the weight of everything so that you know how close to the weight limit you are getting. It is also useful to mark the items that are mandatory and those that are optional.
Now, write an action list of everything you need to do when you finish each day. For example:
· Clean and dry your feet
· Rehydrate
· eat two meals
· Repack your hill bag for the following day.
Whilst this might sound silly, don’t underestimate how exhausted you may be. Some participants also have a morning action list!
Eating plenty in the evenings is a top priority! ©No Limits Photography
2. Methodical Organisation
Reduce your faff time in camp to a minimum so that you can maximise the opportunities for sleeping, eating, and preparing for the next day.
A big step in the right direction is to methodically organise and label all your overnight kit. For example, package up all your hill food into separate, labelled bags and ensure your day eight supplies are at the bottom of your bag. Whereas your mug and bowl might be packed right at the top so that you can eat within minutes of finishing each day.
My personal favourite is to have a dedicated drybag for wet and disgusting clothing, which can then be dealt with once you are home!
Make sure you have everything you need ©No Limits Photography
3. Test Run and Camp from Home
One great strategy we have seen from well-prepared participants is to pack everything as though you are taking part in the event, including hill kit and overnight kit in the mandatory bags keeping to the weight limit. Then, complete a long run from home. When you return, camp out in a room using only what is in your overnight bag, before heading off on another long run the following morning. This gives you the opportunity to test all your kit and realise if you are missing anything.
Another great option that dozens of Cape Wrath Ultra® and Montane Dragon’s Back Race® participants do each year is attend the three-day Scarpa Great Lakeland 3Day for a thoroughly real-world test of the kit and strategies.
As with most things in life, practice makes perfect ©No Limits Photography
4. GPX Route
We provide a detailed GPX of the route. Make sure you take the time to load this onto a watch, GPS device and/or phone in good time before the event – don’t leave it to the night before! Inevitably some people have technical difficulties. The GPX route is a game-changer for many participants and will be released a few weeks ahead of the event.
Having the GPX route saved in advance will make your life easier ©No Limits Photography
5. Ultra Mail – Share your Story
Make sure that your friends, family and colleagues know about the adventure you are undertaking. Explain to them how to send you Ultra Mail messages. These messages are printed out when we scan your race number in the communal marquee. When a participant gets a load of Ultra Mail love, their spirits are always lifted. It can be a complete game-changer after a difficult day, and it is not uncommon for a few tears to flow as these messages are read.
Ultra mail can give participants a much needed boost ©No Limits Photography
Get ready for the most exhilarating, humbling and inspiring 8 days of your life
Journey to Cape Wrath with us in 2024 – entries open 10th May. Achieve something truly extraordinary.
Are you ready for a real adventure in the Scottish Highlands? ©No Limits Photography