Why the Cape Wrath Ultra is the perfect goal race for winter training motivation
The clocks have gone back, the sun has gone into hibernation, and the wet weather seems here to stay – it’s all too easy to hide away tucked in bed and eschew the outdoors altogether. But where is the fun in that?
Now is the time to get stuck into that winter training, but how can you convince yourself to get out when motivation is at an all-time low? The answer is simple – sign up for an epic race to give you that kick you need to start training!
Here is why the Cape Wrath Ultra® is the perfect training race for your winter goals…
Make the Cape Wrath Ultra® your goal race ©No Limits Photography
1. winter training means you will be perfectly prepared for the Scottish weather
Bonny Scotland is famed for its spectacular views. However, it’s also known for its weather, which can be… unpredictable to say the least!
Fortunately, if you’re used to training through the cold and wet conditions of winter, you’ll certainly be prepared for anything the Scottish Highlands throw at you. That way, if you do get gorgeous sunny weather, it feels like an extra-special bonus.
Rain or shine, you will be ready! ©No Limits Photography
2. Now is the perfect time to start training
With the Cape Wrath Ultra® taking place in May, now is the perfect time to start training. Fill your weekends adventures, start looking into your kit and nutrition, then come spring you will be ready for this epic Scottish Highland adventure.
Nothing beats a long day out in the hills! Just because it’s a bit chillier outside doesn’t mean you have to abandon those fun adventures.
Enjoy the training journey ©No Limits Photography
3. The camaraderie will keep you motivated to train
When you start training for the Cape Wrath Ultra®, you join a huge and supportive community of like-minded runners. You can join the Community Group on Facebook so you can share tips and keep each other motivated to train. You may even be able to arrange some recces and training runs together – training is always more fun with friends!
Meet like-minded runners ©No Limits Photography
4. Fuelling for an ultra is a great reason to load up on Christmas treats
An extra mince pie? Don’t mind if I do! When you’re putting in a lot of mileage and training hard, it’s important to keep the body fuelled.
Make sure you are properly fuelled for the adventure ©No Limits Photography
5. Who doesn’t love getting new running kit for Christmas?
Most runners love new kit! From shoes, to race packs, to waterproofs, it’s important to have the right tools to spend time out in the hills. Entering the Cape Wrath Ultra® is a great reason to invest in some new kit. Plus, then you get the joy of testing it out to make sure you’ve got your strategy down.
Sorting your race kit is an important part of the preparation ©No Limits Photography
6. It’s a truly inspiring challenge to aim for
When temperatures are sub zero and it’s sleeting horizontally outside, not just any challenge will make the cut. You need something truly remarkable to motivate you to get out and train.
The Cape Wrath Ultra® is an unforgettable adventure. With 8 days of glorious running through the breath-taking Scottish Highlands is something worth training for!
Find out what you are capable of! ©No Limits Photography
feeling convinced? we are down to the last few remaining spaces!
This is your chance to do something truly remarkable in 2024. Don’t miss out on this wonderful journey through the Scottish Highlands – sign up now.
Join in the adventure ©No Limits Photography