Race tips from Cape Wrath Ultra runners
With the runners making their way through the penultimate day of the eight-day Cape Wrath Ultra 2021, there has been plenty of time for reflection. We asked some of the participants for their tips for success in this event.
Running through the Assynt landscape. © No Limits Photopraphy
The runners have lots of tips for running the Cape Wrath Ultra © No Limits Photography
Chris Todd: My mantra is, “If you stop it doesn’t get easier it just gets longer.”
Alasdair Meldrum: Just keep stuffing food in and as often as you can stomach it.
Lynsay Hay: Eat, eat, eat.
George Winkley: Just try to forget about the pain by thinking about something else.
Dan Steggles: Learn to enjoy being on your own. While there are plenty of people to run with, you will also spend a lot of time your own and you need to be happy with that. It’s good to be able to manage time on your own and to stay positive.
Andrew Richardson: Don’t think about it too hard because it will drive you insane. Just keep going forwards.
Sally Fawcett: Buddy up. It is easier when you have someone with you and to chat to. I have met some lovely people throughout the race.
Advice from the runners. © No Limits Photography
Sally added: And don’t think about competing. Just go out and enjoy the challenge rather than thinking of it as a race.
Cath Bunn: Get a coach and make sure you train on all the different types of terrain you might face in the race. Also have good admin and look after blisters etc as soon as you spot them.
Ella Corrick: Learning how to manage yourself and about your own self-care is important. So, for example, when I have a low I know I need to sort myself out. I think about what I might need, whether it’s food or water etc.
Michael Butler: However hard you think’s going to be don’t underestimate it because it will be a lot harder than you can ever imagine. You ned to be prepared physically and mentally.
Jacqueline Toal: It’s about willpower and mental determination. Don’t let yourself get into a negative place.
Ian Stewart: Look at the terrain of the race and the varied terrain and try to train on similar. There is a lot of off-piste running in the Cape Wrath Ultra and you need to be prepared for that.
Alasadair Moore: Strength and conditioning training is key. It helps with avoiding injuries.
Selina McCole: Get a coach and get the right advice.
A tip is to train on similar terrain. © No Limits Photography
Mark Smith: My tip is to have a list of all you need to do when you get to camp each evening. I have a list that is laminated.
Lisa Watson: Do a lot of training and pace yourself. Definitely don’t go too fast at the start.
Lisa added: “You have got to really want it to do this sort of event.
“Also, don’t worry about where you are placing and enjoy it.
“Remember that the pain will pass as well. You might be in a lot of pain at one point but it usually passes.”
Mike Brock: Keep ticking it along with nutrition and drinking. Tested it in training and don’t let yourself get hungry or thirsty. I use Tailwind type products.
Colin Campbell: Raise funds for a charity because it will keep you motivated through the training and the race.