Day 5: Highs and lows of Cape Wrath Ultra runners
The emotions are becoming more extreme as the runners continue en route to Cape Wrath during the eight-day Cape Wrath Ultra 2021. There were 59 competitors who started today. We heard from some of the participants at the finish line in Inverbroom.
George Winkley (64) was the first to cross the line today. He said: “I set off early and it was a really nice day and perfect weather with lots of runnable terrain. It was also nice and short.
“The race is going pretty good overall and I felt fairly strong today but there are big days to come so hopefully it will continue to go well.”
Mike Brock (98) said: “I think that was my favourite day. I loved it. There was a long valley in the middle and I loved it. I ran with George and we paced ourselves together. The landscape looked so bare and imposing through the Fisherfields and it was such a privilege to be there.”
There were mixed emotions for the runners on day 5. © No Limits Photography
Simon Blanchflower (97) also said he had a good day. He said: “It was a nice mixture of terrain and the scenery is lovely. The sun came up and it got hotter and hotter. It was an ankle breaker coming down the last hill, but I have lived to make it to day six.”
Friends Lynsay Hay (9) and Paul Jarvis ( 41), both from Banchory Running Club, sprinted to the finish today. Lynsay said: “It was just a bit of friendly rivalry so we can keep each other going. We start the days together and sometimes we finish together. I am doing okay I think. I don’t want to jinx it but I think I am doing okay. I have a few niggles but you just have to get on with it.”
Chris Webb (106) said he was a bit tired. he added: “There was nice running generally apart from the last descent, which was a bit ankle twisting. It is good to be over halfway.”
Alasdair Meldrum (37) has his inner thighs taped today after running in his pants yesterday. He said: “The K2 tape is my friend. yesterday, my inner thigh was agony and I kept putting cream on and then it would come off. It was hopeless. I am normally fine and don’t suffer with chafing but four days of being warm and sweaty and not having clean shorts meant it all came together to leave me very sore. It is a lot better today though.”
Chris Todd (91) has a sore knee. He said: “I am just trying to keep going and I am not racing any more. I am enjoying being able to relax and look around more at the scenery.”
The runners pass the half-way mark in the Cape Wrath Ultra 2021. © No Limits Photography
Cath Bunn (50), who was limping and has taped quads, said: “I am alive but absolutely exhausted. I am hanging in there but I am not an ultra runner by definition. I am a mum who drinks too much wine but I am just trying to get through each day.
“I didn't like the last descent today. My knees and my quads are killing me but I am here. I might have been crying as I came down the road to the finish but now I have had some chips and a cup of tea I’m okay again.”
Sharon Dickson (8) said: “I say this every day but it’s an absolutely stunning route and today was no different. My ankles are shot to pieces but they are still attached. The scenery really helps to keep me going.”
Oliver Smiddy (75) looked to be in pain as he came to the finish today. he said: “My hips are really sore and they are getting worse and worse. I don’t know if I can continue.
“The course is fantastic and it is a beautiful race. The race is a great way to experience this part of Scotland. It is a beautifully organised event, too. Hopefully, I can stretch out my hips and continue.”
Ed Brooks (40) shed tears of disappointment on the finish line. He said: “I was doing really well but last night my shins started to feel sore. I got the shins taped this morning and I started the day but then I slipped in a bog and they have been very sore ever since. I think it is inflamed muscles. I am disappointed because I have got so far but I am not sure I can continue.”
Bee Leask finishes on day five. © Jimmy Hyland
Emotional finish for Bee Leask
Bee Leask (2) was the last to finish day five. She was very emotional as she crossed the line with everyone cheering her through. She said: “I am an emotional wreck and my shins are a mess. I think this is me and I am done. I can’t believe I have got this far.
“It has been amazing and I have loved the scenery but it has been the atmosphere of the race and the people that have been the best.
“I feel fine in my head but my legs are swollen and I don’t want to do further damage. My body needs a rest. It has been by far the hardest thing I have ever done and I think I underestimated it. But I would totally recommend this event to other people. It has been incredible.”