Participants attending from overseas and Covid-19
We are aware that some of our international participants are already wondering whether it will be practical for them to attend due to travel restrictions, or whether the Cape Wrath Ultra® will even go ahead.
We want to strike the right balance between our risk of organising the event, and our participants’ risk of making travel and accommodation arrangements for an event that they might not be able to attend or, in a worst case scenario, needs to be postponed or cancelled.
The coronavirus outbreak remains a very fluid and rapidly changing situation, and we will continue to follow advice from the UK Government, especially Health Protection Scotland and Public Health England. However, we are all aware that the guidance changes on an almost daily basis and therefore planning for what may or may not be allowed in 2021 is very challenging.
As a UK-based events business, we need to follow the guidance of the UK Government. We are mindful that there may be some participants travelling from abroad who may be affected by foreign government travel restrictions imposed in their country, which could make it impossible (e.g. an outright travel ban) or impractical (e.g. a quarantine period) for them to attend. In such cases, we will, on a case by case basis, offer these participants a free transfer to the 2022 edition or a refund, which is what we offered to all the participants at our cancelled and postponed events in 2020.
Likewise, in the UK, if the regulations of the devolved governments in Scotland and Wales and/or the UK Government regulations make attendance at our events impossible or impractical for UK residents we will offer a free transfer to the 2022 edition or a refund.
However, we also believe that it is too early to start offering free transfers or refunds when we have a reasonable expectation that this event will be able to go ahead. Therefore, any participant wishing to withdraw from the event now will be offered the options in the terms and conditions, and we will only offer the ‘free transfer to the 2022 edition or a refund’ option once we are less than 3-months before the start of the event. For the Cape Wrath Ultra® this is from Wednesday 24th February.
We would like everyone who is planning to take part in the Cape Wrath Ultra® next year to be reassured that our first concern will be the health and safety of everyone taking part in the event. We will follow the latest good practice guidance and will only go ahead with the event if it is safe to do so. We will always follow guidance on events from the UK Government as the safety of our team and participants is always our first priority. It is highly likely that extra measures will be put in place to make the event COVID-19 safe and we are presently preparing for all such options.
We will keep our valued participant community updated as appropriate.
We hope to see you all in Scotland in May 2021 ©Steve Ashworth