More Emotion at the Cape Wrath Ultra 2018 Finish Line
Runners completed the final 26km of the Cape Wrath Ultra today. After eight days, 400km and 11,200m of incredible running, they reached the landmark Cape Wrath Lighthouse, which stands at the most north-westerly point of mainland Britain.
It was an emotional finish for many participants, including 110 competitors and 27 completing the event as non-competitive runners. (This meant they had missed a cut-off or a section of the race but were still continuing.)
In the 2018 race, 35 of the 177 starters retired. See the full results.
A participant sets out on the final day. Credit: Jimmy Hyland/
Jim Masters (113), England, who has been first to set out from the camp each day and was first to reach Cape Wrath, today running with Eoghan Meehann(116), Ireland, said: “It has been amazing. What a journey!
“Today was great with a run on the beach of Sandwood Bay and some nice hill peaks and then running on terrain similar to the English fells, which I enjoy.
“Today I enjoyed sharing the run with Eoghan and it was really nice to come into the finish with someone. I enjoyed sharing that moment.”
Ian Goodenough (62), England, said: “I am really, really happy to be finished. It has been so hard and yet so brilliant. I have sore knees, sore Achilles, and three blisters, but on day 8 I could suddenly run again. I thought: ‘I am going to leave nothing out there today. I am going to run as hard as I can.’ And, wow, so many views today. It has taken my breath away.”
Bert Scharpenberg (149), Germany, said: “That was the best day so far. I heard there was beer here. Is there really?!”
A happy starter on day 8. Credit: Jimmy Hyland/
Jono Simpson (153), England: “Wow! I felt better today. Yesterday I was so tired I had to curl up two hours after the run but today I felt ok. The route was amazing today with soft descents and mind-blowing scenery.
“I have discovered so much about Scotland that I didn’t know and it has been such a super event team. I have love, love, loved it!”
Matthew Brennan (18), England, said: “All the stress has gone. The last two days have been hard but I am ecstatic and I can’t believe I have done it. I also think the support team have done an awesome job with the logistics.”
Claire Perks (138), Canada, said: “Today was a good one and it is so awesome to finish. I have learned a lot from this race such as not to fear the trackless bog.”
Michael Burke (24), England, said: “It has been immense. It feels amazing.”
Day 8 comes as a huge relief. Credit: Jimmy Hyland/
Kirsty Reade (146), England, said: “I feel good actually. Today was stunning and it was great to have a first sight of the lighthouse. It is amazing to have finished.”
Jan Nouwens (129), The Netherlands, said: “I don’t know how I feel just yet. I am done with running for a bit though!”
Irma Grootscholten (66), The Netherlands, was in tears at the finish line. She said: “I am so happy to be here. It has been a rollercoaster of happiness and pain. It has been the hardest thing I have ever done but then I saw the lighthouse and the pain somehow goes.”
Philippe Chasserant (29), France, said: “You suffer all week but there are many rewards, especially reaching the finish line.”
A happy day. Credit: Jimmy Hyland/
Anna Morrison (125), Wales, said: “It has been amazing. I feel so alive and overwhelmed. I have learnt so much for other participants and although I did not complete the whole course I am delighted with what I did.
“I want to do it again and use different training methods. My knee went on the third day and it has been suggested to me I should do more weight training and stability exercises.”
Paul Ainsworth (1), England, finished in fourth place. He said: “I need time to take all this in.”
Oliver Lutte (109), England, said: “That was a tough final day. I have injuries in my feet, everywhere… blisters, bruising and nails have come off. I am exhausted, too, and I think the event was a little too hard for me but I made it.”
Exhaustion at the finish. Credit: Jimmy Hyland/
Elisabeth de Vries (40), The Netherlands, said: “I am tired but happy. It was the hardest thing. It has been the first event that has broken me down, a bit each time. I have never experienced that before. This is way beyond anything. It has been incredible.”
Matt Harmon (69), England, celebrated his 27th birthday on the last day of the race. He is one of the youngest competitors. He said: “It has been a fun journey and I have lots of standard overuse injuries. But I feel good.”
Nicola Sommers (158), England, is the youngest female in the event. She completed the full course and was well known for her up-beat nature, smiles and singing. She said: “I have made good friends. It is with thanks to ‘my boys’ – Ian Heywood, Owain Millington and Glenn Tait – who helped to get me through.
"They are tough guys and I could not have done it without them. I think I must be mentally tough too because it has been a very hard race to finish.”
She added: "I did think more women should consider doing this event. Women are really strong and they have really good endurance. They should believe in themselves, that they could do something like the Cape Wrath Ultra.”
A welcome sit down at the finish line at Cape Wrath Lighthouse. Credit: Jimmy Hyland/
Glenn Tait (164), who is from England and lives in Scotland, said: “I feel broken but so good.”
Irene Evison (54), England, said: “I have taken my time today. I have been able to appreciate the scenery and I met Martin the Donkey! Martin is walking with his owner 700 miles between Cape Wrath Lighthouse and Portland Bill. That was a highlight today because I was feeling like this last stretch is a real slog.
“The whole event has been an incredible experience. I have not completed it all but I have had a great time. I think it would be good to see more women doing this race. I have just turned 50 and I have done it.”
Richard Lander Stow (97), England, said: “The course is amazing. The whole event has been brilliant. It really started to hurt about three days ago and I would be fine at the start of the day but by the evening I was very sore. Today I simply hobbled to the finish line. I have done other events, such as Fire and Ice, but this race is another level. The jaw-dropping views; it has been Scotland at its finest this week.”
The smile of a finisher. Credit: Jimmy Hyland/
Dan Jensen (82), Denmark, said: “Yesterday was hard but today was wonderful. I am happy it is over. I has been too hard on my body.”
Karoline Hanks (68), South Africa, was third female. She said: “It is a most amazing end to a race. You really do feel like you have run somewhere very remote.”
Colin Egan (52), Scotland, said: “My legs were so sore last night I could hardly sleep but I am so pleased to finish this. I am looking forward to a few pints of Guinness!”
Finish joy. Credit: Jimmy Hyland/