Guidance on event safety
An experienced team man race control throughout the event. Their first, and most important, role is to ensure the safety of the event staff and participants. On rare occasions this may mean that race control needs to make a decision in the interest of safety or logistics that may adversely affect some participants.
Event safety considers the impact of all actions on both event staff and participants. Safety considerations are dynamic and often change as the race progresses, participants become more tired and the weather conditions alter. For example, a slow moving participant may be forced to retire, not because they are incapable of finishing, but because the event team are at risk whilst waiting for them, or (and this has happened) the event team have another time critical role that does not allow them to remain beyond a set time at a specific location.
The Cape Wrath Ultra® has a number of fairly unique safety considerations such as rapidly changing water levels of rivers and streams and many watercourses that are uncrossable after severe weather - please see Guidance on river crossings for participants. The course is extremely remote and it is not possible to quickly evacuate anyone, even with emergency helicopter assistance.
Race control’s decision will be final in all matters relating to safety.
The ‘Golden Rule’
Whatever happens, participants must arrive at the overnight camp each day and report in, or contact race control on the supplied phone number.
The GPS trackers are collected in and reissued each day. Photo © Jimmy Hyland
GPS Tracker SOS Button
Each participant's GPS tracker has an SOS button. This sends an alert with your location to race control via the Iridium satellite network and should work anywhere with a clear view of the sky. Pressing the SOS button will initiate a significant emergency response by race control. The SOS button on participants’ GPS trackers is for true emergencies only (e.g. a life or limb threatening incident) - if it is pressed in order to alert us to a participant's condition, then it will be assumed that the participant in question will not be able to continue with the event."
The exact instructions for how to use the SOS button on your GPS tracker will be printed on the race map issued at registration.
Please also refer to the FAQs on GPS Trackers
Emergency Protocol
In the event of an emergency an emergency protocol is printed on the event map, which is issued at registration to each participant, and forms part of the mandatory kit to be carried while running.
Overdue Participants
As we will be using a GPS tracking system for all participants it is extremely unlikely that any person should be missing at any point during the event. Any participant running late is requested to contact race control on the supplied phone number normally best by text message.
Bad Weather Route
A bad weather course may be declared at any time by race control and in this instance, participants will be issued with instructions of the route amendments.