More News on Day 5: Taking it Slower and Steadier...
As the days have gone on the Cape Wrath Ultra, it’s clear that a slower and steadier pace is paying off for many of the Cape Wrath Ultra participants. This is not to say they are all slow, rather they are staying within their personal comfort zones and especially on the shorter days.
Their aim, they told me, is to conserve energy and try to recover from the accumulative effect of 122 miles over some very tough terrain. Tomorrow is also another long, hard day and every runner is aware of what that will mean both physically and mentally.
Andrew Disley (45), England, said: “I am keeping a steady pace again as I have throughout the race. I stay in my comfort zone and I seem to be doing fine at that. I have made all the cut-offs although one was very tight.
“For me, today is the best yet. We cross only one road over the 27 mikes and the landscape is amazing; it’s so wild and beautiful.”
Lorraine is 50 today and happy to be surrounded by fantastic scenery.
Lorraine Lawson, of Australia, celebrates her 50th birthday today. She said: "I know my own pace and I stick to that. I need to be slow and steady to get though each day and to reach the end. It is a beautiful place to be enjoying my birthday and thankfully there is no huge rush today."
Paul Willis (186), England, said: “I am taking it easy today so I can recover a bit more. I have a sore foot and blisters, plus my wrists have swollen up because I have been using my poles a lot. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.”
Alan Dick (44), of Scotland, said: “I am just going at a relaxed pace today. There is no need for me to go faster and I am happy to enjoy the gorgeous views and take my time. I know that tomorrow will be harder.”
Tim Phillips (140) is from England and now lives in Spain. He said: “I keep thinking about the race and how I am surrounded by utter nutters! It is like a boot camp for mad runners! The race is so much harder than I thought it would be and I am sure it must be one of the hardest ultras there is. I am just taking it easy today."
George Daams: “Hard but good, too”
George Daams (37), The Netherlands, said: “I am enjoying he race but it does wear you down to the very essence. It is really just about trainers, water and race number. It is hard but good, too.”
Friends on the trails of the Cape Wrath Ultra.
Runners make new friendships
Many new friendships have formed throughout the race as people seek out company to keep them going through the many, many miles.
Making new friends on the Cape Wrath Ultra.
Pamela Kirby (91), of America, met Phil Beecroft (9), England, on the boat from Fort William at the start of he race and they have run together every day.
They have now formed a trio with Canadian Charlie Quinn (143). Pamela said: “It’s good to have people to run and walk with. It keeps you going. We met Charlie more recently in the race and he was not doing so well so now we are dragging him along with us!”
Irene Evison (54), Wales, and David Smith (156), England, had been keeping each other going with jokes. Irene said: “W have been telling each other jokes as we walked up the hills today. We discovered that we both have children who are sending us jokes and we have been laughing as we go along.”
Julie relaxes after day 5.
Julie Pritchard (142), England, has enjoyed the company of various other participants. She spent the end of Day 3 and some of Day 4 with Claire Maxted. Now Claire has been forced to retire due to sore feet, Julie has been walking with other people including David Hart (70), England, this morning and then Jean-Jacques Rodiere (147), France, this afternoon.
Julie said: “It’s nice to meet new people and to share time with others. Some people are happy to walk or run and chat, while others are not. And we are all going at different speeds but it has been great to spend time with others in the race.”
Event team bask in more sunshine
At the checkpoint at Dundonell the remote CP team, volunteers Ian and Colin were enjoying the chance to sit in the sunshine while making sure the runners made it through.
Working hard?: Ian and Colin at the checkpoint today.
It was a popular place for other off-duty staff and volunteers thanks to a beautiful river with a pool deep enough for swimming. Doctor Laura was spotted having a refreshing swim.
Dr Laura enjoys a refreshing swim.
Other volunteers popped along to enjoy a dip and a picnic – and to "Scottish" the race mascot, Hamish.
Hamish gets a Scottish makeover thanks to the events team.
At the finish line, the team were enjoying the warm evening. Alex, Stephan and Heather much prefer the sunshine to the wet and midges, they told me.
Finish line team today.